This depends on your reason for taking the course.  If you are required to earn first aid certification to meet a workplace, school program, or application requirement, we encourage you to obtain the specific title of the course you need from the organization requiring it.

To learn more about workplace regulations and industry standards, we suggest that you contact WorkplaceNL for assistance.  See to get started.

If you have a personal interest in learning first aid, we have several options for you to consider.  To determine what topics are most important to you, we suggest that you review our course descriptions to help with your decision. 

If you are not looking to earn a Certificate for any specific reason but would really like to learn more about first aid, First Aid Basics may be the right choice for you!  We can customize a learning experience for you and your family and/or friends – virtually or in person.  To find out more or to set up a private course call 709-725-9877 or email Jill at